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Archive for December 2008

What is Single Payer – HR 676 ?

Please take 4 minutes of your time to learn about HR 676 Single Payer Health Plan!

Now that you know – Please help spread the word!  Please get involved!  The time is NOW!

Best Prices on Health & Personal Care Products

Written by jointefforthost

December 31, 2008 at 4:22 am

A PNHP request for your help!


This post is a request from Dr. Quentin Young, M.D. the National Coordinator from the Physicians for a National Health Program.  In an effort to gain further support I am posting as it was sent to me. Please consider taking the time and get involved.  A single payer health plan (HR 676) is the only viable health plan on the table, and would ensure health-care for”everyone” at less cost with far greater coverage!

Dear PNHP Members and Friends,
Please use the Obama web site to vote your support for the single-payer position. The Obama transition team is soliciting questions from the public via their web site. Visitors may “vote” for the best questions, which will then be responded to by the Obama team.

As of this writing, single-payer questions have been voted #2 and #3 under the “health care” section. Please help us vote them to the top and send a strong message to the Obama team and the new Congress that the American public favors single payer, not incremental band-aids.

In addition, we encourage you to submit your own questions which will highlight the inadequacies of the Obama proposal. Sample questions are reprinted below the instructions which follow:

Instructions for Voting / Submitting Questions
1. Visit

2. Click the small “Sign In” text on the right-hand side of the screen. Sign-in with your email and password on the right. (If you haven’t signed-in before, just fill out the short form on the left.)

3. Under “pick a topic” on the left-hand side of the screen, click “health care.”

4. Questions will appear in a box in the middle. Skip the large question in the blue box and scroll down. Immediate below the large blue question will be leading questions. Two excellent ones should be near the top:

“We all recognize the insurance industry is the problem, not lack of insurance–what are you going to do about getting single payer (government) health care, as other progressive countries throughout the industrialized world have done?”

“What are the obstacles to implementing the single-payer health care used in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia? With a growing number of unemployed or underemployed in 2009, will your administration work towards single-payer as a goal?”

(Note: More good questions may have appeared by the time you read this. You may want to examine others if you have time)

5. To vote for these questions, click the small “check” box beside it.

6. To Submit a question, click the “submit a question” box at the bottom of the screen and type it in. Here are some example questions:

Employer-based coverage continues to steadily deteriorate, leaving millions without access to care due to costs and hundreds of thousands facing medical bankruptcy even though they’re insured. Why should we use this defective system as the as the foundation of reform when research shows single-payer national health insurance could provide comprehensive, universal care for no more than we’re paying now?

Subsidy and individual mandate schemes have failed to achieve universal coverage anywhere they’ve been tried…including most recently in Massachusetts. Rather than reprising these mistakes, wouldn’t it be better to move to a proven system – single-payer national health insurance – which has already afforded other industrialized countries healthier populations at lower costs?

Quentin Young, MD
National Coordinator
Physicians for a National Health Program / LINK

Best Prices on Health & Personal Care Products

Written by jointefforthost

December 30, 2008 at 4:21 am

Bush’s Final F.U.

george1The administration is rushing to enact a host of last-minute regulations that will screw America for years to come.


With president-elect Barack Obama already taking command of the financial crisis, it’s tempting to think that regime change in America is a done deal. But if George Bush has his way, the country will be ruled by his slash-and-burn ideology for a long time to come.

In its final days, the administration is rushing to implement a sweeping array of “midnight regulations” — de facto laws issued by the executive branch — designed to lock in Bush’s legacy. Under the last- minute rules, which can be extremely difficult to overturn…  Read the entire article  (more)

Stay Informed – Best Seller Books, Best Prices!

Written by jointefforthost

December 29, 2008 at 4:16 am

National Meeting of Labor Organizations Supporting HR 676 “Medicare for All”


st_louisJoin the Labor Campaign for Single Payer Organizing Committee in St.Louis Missouri, January 10-11th 2009

Our healthcare system is in crisis and those of us in the Labor Movement who support HR 676, the Single-Payer “Medicare for All” legislation, have an important job to do.register-nowAll labor organizations who support the passage of HR676 are invited to attend and participate in making the decision to launch a dynamic campaign for the only workable solution to today’s healthcare crisis.

All labor organizations who support the passage of HR676 are invited to attend and participate in making the decision to launch a dynamic campaign for the only workable solution to today’s healthcare crisis.
The struggle to produce a just national healthcare system in America will require a unified, aggressive, grassroots campaign-oriented labor movement. The stakes are too high to have it any other way!

The nation’s healthcare crisis is ruining the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans. The huge pool of uninsured and underinsured families is growing dramatically and, increasingly, members of our unions are joining their numbers.

This crisis fundamentally distorts the ability of all workers to survive in today’s predatory economic environment. Union contracts no longer adequately stand between union members and the crisis. Shifting the cost of healthcare to workers under the current profit-driven system is a painful feature of virtually every set of contract negotiations these days. For non-union workers, a voiceless majority of all workers, increasing the burden of costs is a slam-dunk for employers. A publicly supported national healthcare system like those in virtually all other industrialized countries is the only rational answer. On this issue labor needs to speak with one voice. (read more)

You don’t have to be in a Union to see the benefits of supporting HR 676, a Single Payer Health Plan.   Please join the effort!  To see what other individuals, groups, cities, organizations, and more  are doing and supporting HR 676 go to (LINK)

Stay Informed – Best Seller Books, Best Prices!

Written by jointefforthost

December 28, 2008 at 4:56 am

Santa Baby artist Eartha Kitt died on Christmas

eartha-kittNEW YORK – Eartha Kitt, a sultry singer, dancer and actress who rose from South Carolina cotton fields to become an international symbol of elegance and sensuality, has died, a family spokesman said. She was 81.    Read More 

Did you know that Eartha Kitt was the original artist for the Christmas favorite song, Santa Baby! 

eartha-kitt-3Eartha Kitt also starred as the famous Witch in the movie classic the Wizard of OZ!




eartha-kitt-bEartha also played the Cat Women in the original Batman TV classic…




Eartha Kitt will indeed be remembered.  I will play & relish her Santa Baby classic every Christmas!

Kindle – Amazing new Wireless Reading Device

Written by jointefforthost

December 27, 2008 at 3:30 am

Bad Healthcare Reform Must be Stopped!

Urgent Action is Needed!  – The Senate is proposing a health-care reform plan that will mandate health insurance coverage for every person in the United States. Individual mandates are bad policy because they subsidize the private health insurance industry, enriching CEOs and corporations. It does not insure more people, and it will likely worsen the more inhumane aspects of our current health-care system.

You need to tell your elected officials to support national, single-payer health-care instead. If you’re interested in helping please tell your congressperson you want single-payer health-care (HR 676).  If you don’t know enough about single-payer (HR 676) please go to any of these sites to learn more!  Physicians for a National Health Plan, Healthcare-Now, or the California Nurses Assoc.  If you would like to see which representative’s are currently co-sponsoring HR 676, CLICK HERE.   Want to see what labor unions are supporting HR 676, CLICK HERE.

In addition to contacting your representative’s, please also tell Ted Kennedy & Tom Daschle they need to also support HR 676!  Please don’t put this off!  It takes less than 15 minutes of your time and most of all, it won’t happen without your help!

Written by jointefforthost

December 24, 2008 at 10:00 pm

The economy in the tank & Congress gives itself a raise!


With the economy the tank, more than 2 million folks have lost jobs this year, and Congress demanding that the US auto company CEO’s work for free, and that the UAW workers take pay cuts, and what do they do…  They have the balls to give themselves a $4,700.00 raise!  It is my opinion that Congress performed at least as poorly over the last year as did GM, and that they too, should agree to work for free!  It’s reported that they don’t even go through the front door.  It is set up so that it happens automatically and the process would actually have to be undone to stop the increase, rather than putting it to a vote.   

Written by jointefforthost

December 22, 2008 at 10:45 pm

In Remembrance of Nataline Sarkisyan- Don’t Forget !

nataline-b-blogPlease read carefully the below quote from Michael Moore written on December 22nd, 2007 regarding the death of Nataline Sarkisyan:

“If their decision was one of incompetence, then manslaughter charges should be filed. If it was a premeditated decision — where CIGNA knew in advance that Nataline would most likely die — then their corporate officers should be arrested and the full extent of the law brought to bear upon them.”
 (whole story

Tragically, denial of coverage is an everyday occurrence, often ending with the same net result.  Unless you have lived this nightmare, the average person finds it hard to believe!  For profit health insurance companies are practicing medicine without license and are responsible for untold tragedy and death every day, 365 days a year.  I ask you to get involved! 

Go to,, and learn about HR676 a single payer system that will put an end to this nightmare.  Then write, call or scream at your elected officials to do something…  HR676 has 94 congressional co-sponsors now. More are needed and your help is essential to bring an end to this!   Please Help!

Written by jointefforthost

December 21, 2008 at 10:30 pm

Henry Paulson wants the 2nd $350 Billion, in Short Order!


The partial $13 Billion to save the automakers Chrysler and GM, will come from the Treasury’s $700 billion financial stabilization fund.  Shortly after President George Bush’s announcement, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who will oversee the aid to the auto industry, said Congress would need to release the second $350 billion for that program in short order.
By law, once Mr. Paulson makes the formal request, the money is released unless Congress rejects the request within 15 days.  Do you suppose they will hand it over, as they did with the first installment?  I would bet my week’s unemployment check they do!
It was unclear when the request would be formally sent.  I would also bet that it will be when the lawmakers have left for the holidays…  Do you suppose they will return to debate it?  That’s highly unlikely!
The administration’s handling of the program has come under sharp criticism…  As it turns out, there wasn’t any real oversight as to what Mr. Paulson could do with it…!?!  Several lawmakers in both parties have suggested they would oppose the release of more money.  That’s to be seen! I hope that it won’t be released under the current administration, but I am sure the current administration is timing this so it will be released!  I would also hope that the citizens of this now-broke country will stand up and say enough is enough!   Watch it unfold…!

Written by jointefforthost

December 21, 2008 at 5:54 am

US plans for Iraq withdrawal – NOT ?

This should indeed prove to be interesting over the next few months.  Which will it be; 16 months, 3 years, or never?    Gee -we have this huge debate over bailing out the US auto companies for $13 billion, but spending another$10 billion a month in Iraq, not a problem…?   Maybe the banks that took that took the $350 billion could fund the Iraq war for the next 3 years!   They sure haven’t shared any of it towards  helping the US economy…  The BIG picture these days is hard to see!   We don’t seem to have a plan?    A ship at sea without anyone at the wheel… We have elected fools and thief’s for our leaders, so expecting much else is just not in the cards…   OK, I’ll get off my soap box now!

Written by jointefforthost

December 20, 2008 at 3:06 am

The Mitch Who Stole Christmas!

grinch_mitch_tree_300“The Mitch tried to steal Christmas from auto workers, their families, and their communities, It was the auto workers today, but tomorrow it will be other working people’s wages and benefits,” said Geri Jenkins, RN, a co-president of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee – composed of 85,000 nurses in all 50 states.
“Wall Street CEOs like Martin Sullivan of AIG get their bailouts with no strings attached.  Sullivan earned $21,000 an HOUR last year, while American workers and families are facing economic calamity. Yet, Sen. McConnell and some of his Republican colleagues want to place further hardships on working people and their families, after eight years of devastating erosion of living conditions and health security.”

Further, notes CNA/NNOC Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro, McConnell and company have made clear that they view the demands for massive concessions by the UAW as just a first step in an all-out attack on unions and union members. An e-mail message circulated among Senate Republicans declared that denying the auto industry a loan was an opportunity for Republicans to “take their first shot against organized labor.”

“The voices of labor will not be silenced.  Not about our jobs, our healthcare, our respect, our dignity.  Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s shameful attacks on organized labor will not be ignored,” said DeMoro.

“Years of eroding living standards and health security for American workers are apparently not enough for McConnell. These types of attacks on the working people who built this country are disgraceful all year but especially during the holidays. And, not surprisingly, his actions directly led to at least temporary layoffs for thousands of workers.  Sen. McConnell can now add another title to his resume: The Mitch Who Stole Christmas.

“Please join us in our fight to save these jobs and these families.  Go online to send a message to the Mitch.  Tell him to either find some Christmas cheer or a new line of work,” DeMoro said. 
The campaign can be found HERE. It invites people to send a message to McConnell, and sign up for public protests and other actions to protect American working families. 

It only takes a few minutes to voice your opinion, please consider doing so!

Written by jointefforthost

December 18, 2008 at 5:35 pm

A Lump of Coal from Santa Bush

Keep in mind that it’s not just voters in blue states who will be affected — these midnight regulations will hurt people in the states and districts of Bush’s enablers in Congress. And remember that these last-minute policies are the outcome of Congressional Republicans’ loyal support for the Bush agenda over the past eight years. We should hold them accountable for the huge lump of coal Bush is handing over to the nation this Christmas. 

Please share this post with friends!

Written by jointefforthost

December 17, 2008 at 11:44 pm

Russian Warships Near US Border

Just another step backwards…  Many thanks George for the great leadership that you have demonstrated over the past eight years.  Yes, I feel much safer now!   Maybe the shoe toss is a fair remembrance of your legacy for historians to record… 

Written by jointefforthost

December 16, 2008 at 10:56 pm

Letter to Senator Ted Kennedy & Tom Daschle

ted-kennedytom-daschlePlease consider sending the following letter to Senator Ted Kennedy and Tom Daschle.  If this opportunity is missed, we may go another decade or two without help.  Real “change” will only come about from your participation…   Please Help!   You can copy the below letter and paste in the respective comments at the below sites…   Thanks for your consideration!

LINK to Senator Ted Kennedy:

LINK to Tom Daschle:

To learn more about HR676, a single payer approach go to the Physicians for a National Health Program.  LINK :  They have a great Q & A …

*** The Letter ***

Senator Ted Kennedy and Tom Daschle
United States Senate and
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Ted Kennedy and Tom Daschle

We understand that you are currently working energetically on a comprehensive health care reform bill to be introduced in the new session.

There are certain junctures in history when the obstacles of the past melt in the heat of a rising popular demand for change. This is one of those times.

Senator Kennedy, you once proudly described yourself as “an old single payer advocate.” We urge you to return to that vision now when your tremendous influence could make this truly just and practical plan a reality.

Please consider the simplicity, cost effectiveness and humanity of a single payer plan which could be implemented comparatively easily as was traditional Medicare. Any plan that keeps the profit-making insurance companies in the mix will add layers of bureaucracy, will not be able to control costs, and will fail in the noble effort to bring good care to all.

We ask that you both introduce, in the Senate, legislation modeled on HR 676, which has now gained the support of 94 representatives in the US House, 480 union bodies, 39 state AFL-CIO’s, 117 Central Labor Councils, 20 international unions, the US Conference of Mayors, the Houses of Representatives in Kentucky, New Hampshire and New York, and hundreds more cities, counties, faith groups and organizations that express the great hope and dire need of our people.

We urge you both to be our Tommy Douglas, to lead the charge for nonprofit single payer universal coverage. The people will be with you. Surely we deserve the health benefits offered to the people of every other country in the industrialized world—all medically necessary care and freedom from the fear of economic ruin due to illness. It is only by moving to single payer that we can cut the waste while expanding the care.

We must not squander the opportunity of this momentous time. With your experience and stature in Congress and the nation, you are uniquely able to ensure that generations to come will enjoy the legacy of health care as a human right. Please say “yes” to single payer.


Written by jointefforthost

December 15, 2008 at 8:35 pm

Throw your Shoes at George Bush!

In Arab culture, throwing shoes is a grave show of disrespect. The man shouted an Arabic phrase, which an Iraqi present translated as “this is a farewell kiss, dog.”

Written by jointefforthost

December 15, 2008 at 3:18 am

Defunct Auto Brands


1963 Studebaker Avanti 2 door Coupe

As the auto industry contemplates radical restructuring to save itself, one of the likely fall-outs will be the demise of a familiar brand or two. But while disruptive, we have to remember this is nothing new.  Here are a few famous auto brands that have since gone to the great junk heap in the sky…    Read the Article, First up AMC –  LINK

Some of the 12 cars featured deserved to go, and some perhaps not.  After all isn’t that capitalism at its best…?

Written by jointefforthost

December 14, 2008 at 5:38 am

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

An excellent piece and a message that seems so far out of reach…  One can hope!      Created by Seth Brau Produced

Written by jointefforthost

December 13, 2008 at 5:28 am

Unemployed – You are not alone!

daddyunemploymentline230x15The Labor Department said last week that employers cut a net total of 533,000 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate reached 6.7 percent, a 15-year high.  The latest jobless claims figures indicate that the December report could be just as bad or worse.  Companies have eliminated a net total of 1.9 million jobs this year, and some economists project the total could reach 3 million by the spring of 2010.  The number of people continuing to claim jobless benefits also jumped, increasing by 338,000 to 4.4 million.

Knowing there must be several million or so in this situation, myself included, I thought I should find something bright and encouraging  to include on the subject…   I came across a great cartoon site that will inspire confidence and faith (NOT), but is good for a laugh, and laughter is good at such at time – yes!   I encourage all to visit Odd Todd.   He has several great cartoon episodes on the subject.   LINK

Written by jointefforthost

December 12, 2008 at 5:56 am

Chicago’s Newest Mobster – Gov Rod Blagojevich

Blagojevich Corruption ProbeAdd Governor Rod Blagojevich to the list of Chicago’s most respected mobsters…  Hey, why mess with tradition?

CHICAGO – Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested Tuesday on charges he brazenly conspired to sell or trade President-elect Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder as part of what federal prosecutors called a “political corruption crime spree.” A federal judge later ordered Blagojevich released on his own recognizance.   MORE

Chicago Mob Days – little photo montage of Chicago mob figures

Written by jointefforthost

December 10, 2008 at 2:37 am

Pinup Bettie Page hospitalized after heart attack


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bettie Page, a 1950s pinup known for her raven-haired bangs and saucy come-hither looks, was hospitalized in intensive care after suffering a heart attack, her agent said Friday.

“She’s critically ill,” Mark Roesler of CMG Worldwide told The Associated Press.

He said the 85-year-old had been hospitalized for the last three weeks with pneumonia and was about to be released when she had the heart attack Tuesday. Page was transferred to another hospital in Los Angeles and remained in intensive care Friday.

A family friend, Todd Mueller, said Page was in a coma. When asked to confirm, Roesler said, “I would not deny that,” but he would not comment further on her condition.

Page, a secretary turned model, is credited with helping set the stage for the sexual revolution of the rebellious 1960s. She attracted national attention with magazine photographs of her sensuous figure that were tacked up on walls across the country.

Her photos included a centerfold in the January 1955 issue of then-fledgling Playboy magazine, as well as controversial sadomasochistic poses.

Page later spent decades away from the public eye, and during that time battled mental illness and became a born-again Christian.

After resurfacing in the 1990s, she occasionally granted interviews but refused to allow her picture to be taken.

Mueller credits his business dealings with Page for bringing her out of seclusion. He said he first met her in 1989 when he offered her “a bunch of money” to show up at autograph signings.

“I probably sold 3,000 of her autographs, usually for $200 to $300,” he said. “Eleanor Roosevelt, we got $40-$50. … Bettie Page outsells them all.”

The Associated Press – LINK

Written by jointefforthost

December 7, 2008 at 3:05 am